Personally, I plan on playing the MK1/MK2/MK3/UMK3/MK4 arcade releases and then most of the ports of those (even Game Boy MK1, one of the worst ports-and games, period-of all time because it was one of the two ports I owned near release …the North American release of MK1 on the SNES is also a bit of an abomination: sound- and graphics-wise it’s very good, much better than the Genesis or SEGA CD releases [even compared to Master Linkuei’s Arcade Edition hack for the Genesis, but it’s got no blood, altered fatalities, and plays terrible because it’s not just got exceedingly high input lag even on a CRT, the input lag is not consistent…it just plays so whacked…but, most people who played it back in the day, myself included, didn’t realize that the Japanese Super Famicom release is much better with regards to input lag and what is there is consistent thanks to having ~2 months to fix it before that later release in Japan…it’s too bad that Midway shot down Sculptured Software’s MK Nitro idea that would have had those fixes and more). Mortal Kombat turned 30-years-old on Saturday, so you could marathon-play the entire series.